Hello, an inquiry was made as to the process for creating a post by residents to the Cascade Woodlands site today. We have added a simple and easy to use form that every member may use to create a post for distribution to the site and community. This simple tool will allow you to create a post for review and publification to the site.
By entering the information requested, you can make a notification or post an item for sale within the community. This information will be reviewed and published as desired or will be edited and published for formatting reasons. You may also upload images or artwork as desired. Please review the Consent for community standards and feel free to use this community resource as desired, we look forward to good news and important updates.
Additionally, if you have a neighbor who would like to subscribe to the mailing list, they may do so easily by using the Contact link or the Contact form at the bottom of the page. Thanks again for your contributions and support!
Also, please remember the resource directory. This directory has resources listed for service providers that are trusted by others within our community.
Finally. you may also add a resource to the directory for others to utilize. These options are listed at the top of the page as well, so please explore and add information.