July 25th LOA meeting delayed

It looks like the Governor has thrown a curve ball once again.  His announcement of new social gathering limits of a maximum of ten people would put our organization into violation if we were to hold our annual meeting on July 25th as planned.
Therefore, we must wait until meeting restrictions are again increased before we can have our meeting and election of officers for the organization. 
Tom and Sue Smith have agreed to stay on and continue their roles as secretary and treasurer.  They have also agreed to run for re-election to their positions when we do have our meeting. 
So far it looks like we have people agreeing to run for positions of President, Vice president and the open board position now held by Ed Torkelsen.  Any person wanting to be considered for any of the positions can have their name placed on the ballot by contacting Ed Torkelsen, Mike Kamenzind or Bill Thurston.
Their will also be a place on the ballots for write-in nominations for any of the positions.
You will be notified by both e-mail and US mail of the meeting date place and time once the Governor clarifies the rules for having meetings in phase three counties.  It is the hope of the board that a meeting can be scheduled within two weeks of the notice that we can continue.
Sorry for all the confusion caused by this, but we are doing our best to keep it all together.
Cascade Woodlands
Board of Directors