Neighborhood guest courtesy

One of the residents who walk in the neighborhood recently had an experience with a guest or other non-resident with Oregon plates. The vehicle was exceeding the speed limit and did not slow or move over for the pedestrian resident. When something was said, the non-resident was less than respectful and offered some not so flattering words to our neighbor. The non-resident would not identify whose guest they were.

As it is the time of year that we all are having guests come for visits, it might be helpful to go over the ground rules with each guest. I know that I personally give each of my guests a verbal rundown on the speed limit before pushing the 9 button to let them in. I also give instructions to any guests that may want to take a walk down to the river, letting them know that they need to identify themselves to anyone who asks and to respect property boundaries as well as where they may go while at the river bank.

I was asked to post this reminder by a fellow resident, however, I personally feel that we can all pitch in to make sure our neighborhood is safe and secure. Thanks for reading, hope everyone is well!

Marty Sederberg