Bear Sighting and Droppings

Hello neighborhood! This evening when entering the gate, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a black, bounding figure coming across the Foster driveway. As I did not know they had a large, black dog, I looked a bit closer and saw that it was a bear cub. Cute little bugger, glad I…

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LOA meeting scheduled for June 26th! Location TBD

Published notice from 5-25-2021: This past year has been an unusual one due to the Covid crisis.  An annual meeting was not held last year, nor have any board meetings been held.   We were able to hold an impromptu board meeting on May 12th with the two remaining board members (Mike Kamenzind and Bill Thurston), and…

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Saturday June 6th Lane Closure

On Saturday, June 6, between approximately 09:00 and 10:00 there will be a closure of Greenwater drive for approximately 30-45 minutes while William Fortig drops a tree. Thanks to Bill for the courtesy and consideration regarding the maintenance of dangerous trees along the roadway. If anyone cares to lend a hand to get the lane…

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