In about 1980 Cascade Woodlands was a developed community with a total of 29 lots within the community granted a total of one vote per lot. Over the coming years, one lot (16) was subdivided by Jerry Boe and Steven Lee Sr. Lot 16 was divided into four lots (16.1-16.4), and then two of those lots were re-combined to make the current Kamenzind property (16.1/2). This subdivision caused the CWLOA to amend the bylaws to include the prohibition of subdivision of any lot moving forward in an attempt to maintain lot size and consistency within the community.
Several years later, a second lot was successfully subdivided (11) by Dean Crane. Lot 11 was divided into three lots (11.1-11.3). This creates a total of 33 lots within the current community.
This second subdivision flew under the radar, and when the CWLOA became aware of the situation, they spoke with the county about the filed subdivision and were told the county had made a mistake however it was unable to reverse the mistake. This is how the community ended up with a total of 33 possible votes to be counted towards any election or decision. This backstory will help you understand how the most recent election was manipulated and conducted in a manner that is inconsistent with the total number of allowed votes as well as in violation of the recorded bylaws of the community.
On June 26, 2021, an Annual Meeting was held at a community member’s house. At this meeting, the senior acting board member (Bill Thurston) and the third (newest) board member (Mike Kamanzind) were conducting the meeting. The acting Secretary and Treasurer (Tom and Sue Smith, who resigned in 2020) were seated at a table and were performing the duties associated with those assigned roles. On the table, the secretary had a Sign In Sheet to record the attendees and proxy votes associated with absent members who had given their vote to another member. A total of 27 attendees or proxy votes were registered, and one present member (Michael and Annie Messmore) had a total of three votes as they own three lots. The election final count was 15-14 in favor of the current “elected” Board. That number represents a total of 29 votes counted towards the final tally.
On the Sign In sheet, someone (whom?) took the opportunity to mark two people (Pfau and Risely) as present but not signed in. Someone (whom?) also took the opportunity to mark four people (Ford, Page, Steger and Williams) not present. Unfortunately, one of the absent residents (Williams) was present and did cast a vote. This particular fact throws the entire mathematical calculation off.
Let’s walk thru the math:
On first glance, 33 possible votes minus four people not present equals a total of 29 votes, which is consistent with the 27 people present or proxied (27 votes + 2 extra votes for one resident present).
If we add in the resident (Williams) who was present and voted but was marked as not present, we have a problem. Either their vote was counted, which then leaves a question of whose vote was not counted, or their vote was not counted, and there is a missing vote.
Additionally, there was another proxy that was provided (Ford) but not counted in the election process. This appears to have been left out due to the resident saying that they would be in attendance. As apparently the resident was not present, or not marked present, we can assume this vote, either in person or by proxy, was not recorded.
While performing a post-election investigation, the executor of the Kukkel estate shared that he was deceived and coerced into providing a proxy on behalf of a deceased individual. Jim Kukkel had previously provided a proxy and assigned that to a longtime neighbor and friend (Gladys Torkelson). A senior board (Bill Thurston) member took it upon himself to reach out to the estate and obtain a proxy from a disinterested authority. As the estate has illustrated and established, the only interest in the property is liquidation and settlement of the estate, this proxy vote goes against the stated premise identified by the bylaws.
Please note these excerpts of the CWLOA Bylaws:
Section 1: There shall be one class of members of the Corporation. All members shall have the same rights, privileges, duties, liabilities, limitations and restrictions. Each member owning or purchasing tracts in Cascade Woodlands shall be entitled to one vote for each tract owned; provided, however, that no individual shall be entitled to more than four votes, regardless of how many tracts he or she may own or purchase.
Section 3: Any person who owns or is purchasing land in Cascade Woodlands development shall be a member of the Corporation.
Section 5: No membership may be assigned or transferred voluntarily or by operation of law except in conjunction with the transfer of title to a lot or lots in the plat of Cascade Woodlands. No person, corporation, or other entity that is not an owner of a lot or lots of the plat of Cascade Woodlands according to the records of Lewis County, Washington, shall be entitled to membership in the Corporation.
The elections process outlined in the bylaws states that a secret ballot system shall be used in conjunction with proxy voting. The proxy authorizations require several things, one of which is the lot number or address. The vote ballots have no place to identify where or whom they came from, which makes it impossible to match votes to sign in sheet and proxy assignments. This system prevents any type of audit from occurring, which leaves the entire process ripe for manipulation and fraud. This system, without checks and balances, perpetually leaves the CWLOA in an untenable position.
Although this is a small community, for those who choose to be involved, we cannot allow this broken process to remain. As the current Board dismisses the reality of the situation in favor of the status quo and refuses to simply address the problem, a group of 33% or more of your fellow community residents have been forced to request help from the Attorney General of Washington.
Regardless of your feelings or preferences, the math does not add up. We have asked the CWLOA to provide information and details supporting the situation, which they have refused to provide. We have filed a complaint with the Attorney General of Washington to investigate this matter, as our requests to re-run the election in a fair and transparent manner have been met with resistance, obstruction, and manipulation.