Torkelson, Thurston, Sederberg and Lee Exchange


Mr. Sederberg,

Thank you for confirming and supporting my belief, and the belief by others, about you.
Have a good day sir.



Thanks for your response Steve. I have heard you say, in writing, that you directed the lot 11 owners towards information that would undermine the previously litigated conclusion that the community has a right to access the benefits and features that were advertised in the marketing materials from 1981 when our Uncle Freddy signed off on the community survey. Did you review the previous legal assessments from the Crane era? It would appear that you have a bias in favor of preventing community access to the river.

As for your statements and questions regarding the gate, I am not surprised by your perspective. Having said that, when the “board” finally communicated with the community and asked for help, I was quick to respond. Prior to that email, I had no awareness of the situation and assumed it was being handled effectively. At the meeting, almost a week later, I was basically peer pressured into leading a committee of people who had the talent to have made these repairs long ago. I take no credit for fixing the gate. The exclusivity of the “board” caused the very problem they had to declare an emergency to fix.
I will note that the “board” has a track record of making decisions in a vacuum, and they all seem to negatively impact the community. The “board” seems incapable of understanding that they work for each and every member of the community. The ego and pride motivation of defending poor decisions needs to stop, or just stop making poor decisions.
Finally, this idea of the poor volunteers being underappreciated is crap. Being an “elected” volunteer is counterintuitive and certainly should not be used as an excuse for poor performance and decision making.
iPhone originated, errors unintended

Marty Sederberg




Mr. Sederberg et al,

Let’s get one thing clear right now. No one on the board is qualified to give legal advice and no one on the board gave legal advise to the current owners of Lot 11 of the Cascade Woodlands LOA.
It is the responsibility of each land owner to do their due diligence and search for themselves the meaning of an ingress/egress easement. Anyone in possession of a computer and access to the internet can search for themselves that information. I SUGGEST the first place you look is Black’s Law Dictionary, as this is where a lawyer will go first to build an opinion. I merely pointed the owners of Lot 11 in this direction. It is up to them to seek appropriate counsel in this matter and act accordingly.
Like all of you, I have a deed to my property. Nowhere in my deed is access to the river or a supposed boat ramp mentioned or implied. Anyone who has a recorded document which states that you are guaranteed access to the river or a boat ramp, please produce said documents to the board at your convenience for our review and subsequent submission to the legal team which has been retained.
In other matters. If the fix for the gate was such an easy one, why wasn’t action taken by the so called experts prior to all the complaints and personal attacks on one member of the board in his attempt to get it fixed? As you are so quick to pat yourselves on the back for fixing the gate, why didn’t you, as experts in the matter, offer your assistance sooner? You revel in the appearant failings of the one in an attempt to make yourself look good. Congratulations, you have saved the universe by standing by as others attempted to get it fixed by the best means they knew without any support or input from you.
Steve Lee
Cascade Woodlands board member.

Thanks for sharing this information. As Bill Thurston is unable to even fix a simple problem with a gate and proceed to the sky is falling and let’s spend a bunch of money, I don’t think that his legal assessment of the situation is something I would want to rely upon. Regardless, I will post this Later today to the website.

iPhone originated, errors unintended

Marty Sederberg


From: Bill Thurston
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 8:20 AM
To: Gladys
Subject: RE: LOA


Several of us. myself included. have had discussions with the current owners of lot 11.  So far we have not been able to convince the new owners to allow unrestricted access to the river bar across their property.  They are o.k. with the 5 foot access.  We have provided them information about the intent of the original development company to allow access to owners within Cascade Woodlands and they are checking with their land attorney.  I feel we are making progress on this.  The only thing that could be a problem as I see it,  The easement that is registered with Lewis County says nothing about it being for access to the river.  It is very delicate to understand.  Steve Lee has pointed out, an easement is only something to allow access to ones property.  It is up to the property owner to decide if they want to allow additional use of the easement.  Bert Tylander was O.K. with allowing access to the river.  Bert did ask strangers who they were, but never to my knowledge, did he prohibit anyone from using the easement to access the river.  We should do everything we can to prevent this from becoming a lawsuit. I am not sure we could win




From: Gladys
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 7:54 AM
To: Bill Thurston
Subject: RE: LOA


Sorry people want to know what is going on with the gravel bar. Everyone that has bought property in here has on there deeds and seller agreements that there is a 60 ft easement and use of a boat  launch that is what has to be cleared up before June.


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From: Bill Thurston
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 7:08 AM
To: Gladys
Subject: RE: LOA




Mike resigned effective on Monday.  Therefore, Steve Sventh our elected vice president is at the top of the food chain.  A few of the board members have discussed this situation and I think the consenses is to limp along this way until the June, 22 election.  I am only one voice but it doesn’t make much sense to have two elections in that short of time period.  Give me your thoughts on this if you will.




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From: Gladys
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 7:15 PM
To: Bill Thurston
Subject: LOA


Is Mike no longer the president of the HOA if so then who is in charge.


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