As per the agreement at the last meeting, we are submitting several suggestions for amendments to the bylaws moving forward. Several residents and landowners have contributed to this effort, and they are being presented for all members to review and consider. Here are the suggestions:
Article III, Section 1, a.
The Officer Positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall only be filled by full-time owner-occupant residents of the community. Non-full-time owner-occupant residents shall be eligible to fill all remaining positions only.
Article III, Section 1, b.
No owner or member of “the corporation” shall be eligible to hold any office if they are in violation of any CWLOA rule or requirement and it shall be the responsibility of the elections committee to provide eligible candidates for all positions as detailed in Article VI – Nominations and Elections, Section 1, a.
Article III, Section 1, c.
No single property is allowed to hold more than one of the executive positions at any time.
Article III, Section 1, d.
If an officer resigns they forfeit the right to run for any executive position moving forward.
Article III, Section 4, g.
Shall publish, record and report vote counts in a manner that shall reflect the exact verbiage of the motion that was voted on, how the vote was taken, and the numbers for and against the said motion.
Article IV, Section 5
Management meetings or other meetings where an official vote is not being conducted may be held via a digital conferencing platform similar to ZOOM or Google Groups for expedience and convenience, and all members may attend as desired to meet requirements otherwise outlined within the By-Laws.
Article IV, Section 4
“President or Secretary shall cause notice to be hand-delivered, publicly published in a known and readily accessible location or source and/or sent prepaid first class mail……….”
Article V, Section 5, a.
If any single property has eligible members who have been elected to hold more than one board position, that single property shall not be entitled to more than a single representative vote on any action unless such single property also possesses an additional property that may make them otherwise eligible to cast two supporting votes.
Article V, Section 5, b.
If at any time an elected officer or board member has been found to have violated any of the bylaws, they shall automatically be removed from the office and replaced with the last election count second-place candidate.
ADD or AMEND ARTICLE VI (Nominations and Elections)
Article VI, Section 2, e.
All ballots shall be prepared by the CWLOA so that the ballot paper shall be unique and able to be differentiated by-election and shall also have a sequential number that shall not be associated with any specific person or parcel so as to allow for verification and reconciliation purposes.
Several of your fellow residents are working on more specific sections and were not prepared to submit those suggestions at the time this was completed. As stipulated in the Special Meeting Minutes from 3-19-2022 (3-19-2022 SMM) Several other members of our community may be submitting items for publication by the secretary for a vote at the upcoming Annual Meeting. The secretary has promised to publish a spreadsheet with all of these items, so we look forward to the comprehensive list of suggestions that our engaged community members offer.