Potluck Social after meeting on June 25 @3:00 PM

June 19, 2022

Cascade Woodlands Landowners Association Members.

For decades our annual association meetings have been held at one of the CWLA property owner’s homes. Ann and I, as past Treasurer and President, have held it at our home.  Bill and Sybil Thurston, Ed and Gladys Torkelson, Mike and Stephanie Kamnedzind additionally have hosted the event.

Using our Bylaws phraseology “To promote Cascade Woodlands……To provide an opportunity for residents and land owners…..to be better acquainted.”

The gathering provides an opportunity to share ideas, work out problems and move forward as a group. Historically, as part of the annual meeting after all required aspects were covered, we enjoyed a community Pot Luck. 

It now seems that we are limited to one or two topics, controlling to the extreme what is discussed and suspending Roberts Rules. [The only time Roberts Rules get suspended is when there is about to be a violation of the current Bylaws.]

This is not how a vibrant community comes together, by limiting meeting time, topics and the social interaction.

In order for there to be an ongoing discussion of concerns and issues, Ann and I have booked the Steamboat Landing until 5:00 pm, this will insure that all the requirements of a traditional annual homeowners meeting can be met with the social aspects of a meal together.

As in the past we are planning a Pot Luck meal. We will smoke and bring a Brisket of Beef and all the necessary plates, napkins, silverware, etc for the group. All that we ask is that you bring an appetite, an open mind and perhaps a simple side dish or desert.  

Look forward to seeing you.

Michael & Ann Messmore