Mail in voting is not allowed, special meeting to be called for July 23, 2022

Cascade Woodlands Landowners’ Association

500 Green Water Drive

Toledo, Washington 98591

June 30, 2022

The annual meeting was held on June 25, 2022.  Due to uncontrollable disruptions at the meeting, in person voting for officers and directors could not be conducted.  Therefore, the Board of Directors decided on a mail in ballot election. If you would like to become a candidate, please submit your request in this manner and this manner ONLY. The candidates from the last election must re-submit your request.  New election – new candidates


                        Or through USPS  

Cascade Woodlands Landowners’ Association

500 Green Water Drive

Toledo, Washington 98591

Only submissions sent by either of these two ways will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.  No submissions sent through the Cascade Woodlands private website will be accepted as the Board does not monitor or accept emails from this website which has been stated multiple times in the past. The votes will be mailed to and counted by an independent third party at the expense of the CWLOA and they will report the results to the CWLOA.

The deadline for submissions is:

July 11, 2022 either via email or USPS. Must be postmarked by July 11, 2022.

It is the intent of the Board of Directors to have the election as soon as possible to maintain the function of the CWLOA.

**Please note that there are no dues this year. We met the $50,000.00hurdle on July 1, after the 2021 annual meeting so no dues are required until we are down to $30,000.00 per the Bylaws.


Temporary Board of Directors

Cascade Woodlands Landowners’ Association