A Message from your neighbor regarding procedure and protocol.

I just received your Annual Meeting Minutes, your June 27, 2022, letter and your June 30,2022, letter Yesterday, and here are my comments.
Yes, I asked the question of the Board “why no video or recordings” and Tom was nice enough to state why and I accepted.  Then I asked who objected to being recorded and yes three people objected, and they were all Board Members.  I did not object to anything that was stated to this point, however, you stated I did.
Now we come to the Secretary’s report and the Treasurer’s report. Here I agree with your statement.  I did request an addition to the March 19, 2022, minutes and yes, there was no Motion, Second, or Vote since it appeared that you were going to make the change and immediately went into the treasurer’s report and that is where everything started to go south, and the Board left the meeting.
Unfortunately for you in doing so you voided out the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s report.  Per Protocol and Procedure, you too are required to have both items approved by the people present at the meeting by a Motion, Second, and a Vote.  This was also not done, so at the July 23, 2022, meeting we will have to do this and everything else on that agenda again.  I would also like to point out that Steve Lee has never asked nor was there a motion, second, or a vote on excepting the Secretary’s or Treasurer’s report at any of the meetings he preceded over.  This now puts a lot of things in Question.
Then, there were not several landowners that stood up and left the meeting because of the so-called continual disruption by landowners.  There was only one, Sandy Page.  Also, not all the questions that were presented to the Treasurer were answered so I hope you will both attend the July 23, 2022, meeting that this can all be resolved.
Now we have the June 27, 2022, letter.  Item 1.  The Board of Directors of CWLOA cannot decide to extend their own terms.  As of the first of July, the only Board Member we still have is Steve Lee.  Item 2. this has already been proposed by a landowner and dismissed by the CWLOA.  Item 3.  There is nothing that has happened by the So-called Board that has been done promptly.  I am still waiting for something I requested back in February of this year that you stated you are working on.
Then we have your June 30, 2022, Letter in which you state the Board of Directors decided on a mail in ballot election.  The Bylaws of CWLOA states that officers can only be elected at a MEETING which is normally at the Annual Meeting, however, the Board decided to walk out of this meeting before anything could be accomplished.  If you check your Absentee Ballot System is only proposed by you in the changes to the Bylaws which have still to be resolved, so you know what you are doing is not correct and per the BYLAWS of the CWLOA.  Whereas the Special Meeting that was called for on the 23rd of Jully is per the Bylaws.  The Bylaws of CWLOA states that 10% of the Landowners can call for a Special Meeting to conduct anything and over 25% of the Landowners want this and other things resolved.  However, it is being limited to just that which was on your agenda of which nothing was done at the Annual Meeting since you and the Board walked out.   This includes the exact same ballot which you presented to the CWLOA and not one which you presently want to change.
Respectfully submitted by,
William (Bill) Fortig