July 23 Special Meeting Minutes

Cascade Woodlands Landowner’s Association

Toledo, WA 98591


Subject: Special Meeting, called by > than 25% of Landowners

Date: July 23, 2022, 1:00 PM

Location: 114 Fish On Lane

Special Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 1:00 PM
  • The preamble to the meeting: Purpose of meeting. That greater than 25% of the owners of lots, with voting rights, can, under CWLA By-Laws, call a Special Meeting. 39% of homeowners agreed and attached their names to the meeting notice that was mailed to all landowners.
In addition, it was announced that all discussions and voting would be recorded for review by our attorney to ensure compliance with all applicable Bylaws and RCWs. There were no objections to fully recording the proceedings.
  • Agenda: To call a special meeting and elect Officers and Board Members to fill open positions for those positions and terms that expired June 30, 2022.
The agenda was discussed with suggestions for changes and/or additions. The agenda was approved unanimously by acclamation.
Martin Sederberg agreed to lead the discussion with Michael Messmore acting as Sergeant at Arms and arbiter of Roberts Rules. A detailed explanation of the meeting conduct and adherence to Roberts Rules of Order was briefed to all present and all agreed to comply.
  • Discussion was had regarding the meeting purpose (Elections) and what it would take for motions to pass and for election results to be binding on CWLA.
  • Discussion regarding board seats and how positions would be filled. It was agreed that a member getting the most votes would succeed to that open Board position with the longest term remaining and the runner-up would fill the next longest open term.
  • Nominations from the floor were opened and Martin Sederberg entered his name for President, Michael Messmore entered his name for V.P., Lyle Ketterling was entered for Secretary and Tiffany Wolfe volunteered for Treasurer. Ed Torkelsen volunteered for one open Board seat and William Fortig volunteered for the other open Board seat. Steve Lee is still listed as a standing Board member with time remaining in his term in office. Each candidate gave their background and why they were running. Without exception, all candidates cited the failure of the previously elected officials and Board members to carry out motions made and passed regarding issues internal to the CWLOA. All wished for a return to the statements in our Bylaws that this community strives to work for the beneficial inclusion of all members. Additionally, there be finalization as to the Common Area at the end of Green Water Drive.
  • The Ballot system was explained and how there were a specific number of ballots printed and distributed. The total number of members present was tabulated, and it was insured that the number of homeowners and respective votes exactly matched the number of ballots collected.
  • voting commenced at 1:40 PM and all ballots were collected with Steve Gwynn (sp) and Hannah Williams agreeing to count votes and announce the results.
  • Voting was completed at 1:50 and results were announced at 2:00.
  • Election results are as follows:
                                                  Martin Sederberg was elected President with 14 votes.
                                                  Michael Messmore was elected VP with 13 votes.
                                                  Tiffany Wolfe was elected Treasurer with 13 votes and
                                                  Lyle Ketterling was elected Secretary with 13 votes.
                                                  William Fortig was elected to the Board with 13 votes
                                                  Ed Torkelsen was elected to the Board with 11 votes.
  • While the Agenda only included elections, for Good of the Order, it was decided to include any New Business or suggestions for the group going forward.
    • Gate repair was brought up and discussed. It seems that with the motor being left on there may be a problem with the motor’s Thermal switch. The Motor has now been cleared and being reinstalled and further troubleshooting will be commenced.
    • William Fortig made a motion and it was seconded that former Treasurer Tom Smith complete the previously requested two years Annual Reports and submit each as soon as possible.
    • Also, road repairs with the suggestion of a 3-phase repair program were discussed.
    • Bylaws have to be completed soon to be in compliance with the new Washington State RCW’s. Also, revisions to CWLOA CC&R’s need to be studied and possibly updated.
    • That the newly elected officers follow up with the work of the previous Elected officials and Board members.
    • Marty Sederberg also suggested that we review the last couple of years and determine what if anything has not been completed by the previously elected officials.  Note: this may be the same as above.
  • A motion to Adjourn was made by William Fortig that was seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM.
  • A generous amount of food was brought by members present and a pot Luck commenced.

NOTE: The minutes of this meeting shall be prepared in paper format and mailed as per the requirements of the by-laws. Please expect to receive a copy in the mail. At this time, the previously elected and expired secretary and treasurer are hereby notified that they are now responsible to turn over corporate documents, keys, checks, and any other items required to support the successful operation of the CWLOA.