2-4-2023 Board Meeting Minutes and Video

February 4, 2023

February 4, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

President Martin Sederberg called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

Attendance of meeting by residents was positive with multiple residents attending and observing the proceedings. 

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Waived reading of previous minutes by Michael Messmore motions to accept secretaries report, Ed Torkelson Seconded, voted passed. 

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Tiffany reported checking and savings balances of 396.78 and 45600.83 respectively. One check has been written to Scuderi law in the amount of 70.69. Michael Messmore motions to accept treasurers report, Ed Torkelson seconds. Vote and passed. 


Discussed easements issues and property lines.

Discussed gate issues, degradation, and past repairs. Parts obtained from CCFAB in Central for most recent repair. 


Discussed Cease and desist related to easement issues, Tiffany made motion with Bill seconding to provide documents to Scuderi law to proceed with cease and desist related to river access. Voted and approved 5-0 (Secretary did not vote)

Discussed sleeving of culvert at entrance, motion to allow Ed Torkelson to proceed with getting prices and specifications was made by Michael Messmore, Tiffany seconding, voted and approved 5-0.

Discussed suggestions of changes to bylaws, all items were reviewed, discussed and voted upon to determine whether they should be included on ballot or not. Ballot will be created based on this discussion (video of discussions posted) and will be reviewed through draft process and to be submitted upon approval by board to community for a vote. 

Michael Messmore moved the meeting be adjourned at 1:00 PM; seconded and passed.

Lyle Ketterling

Lyle Ketterling, Secretary


02042023 Board Meeting Minutes