6-30-2023 06:45
Good morning all, the email addresses have been updated and all members have been programmed to receive emails. Welcome Robin Nelson, Loretta ( Lenora) O’Neill and Sherry Riechman.
I will get the minutes and results by mail within the next two days before handing off to Loretta (Lenora). We need to have a board meeting to get the process down on paper, specifically we need to have a meeting to get Sherry set up on the bank accounts and so that she can get with the secretary of state to update the records and file the annual report.
I am proposing July 22 at ten am. This should be a quick meeting, I will reach out to each new member and try to facilitate a handoff of materials as needed. Please let me know availability for July 22.
7-2-2023 09:15
Good morning everyone, wanted to update you all on several things.
First off I reached out to all the new team members via phone, text email or similar and have attempted to welcome them all.
Lenora has come over and we spent several hours together going over things and she has been given one of the boxes of records related to her new position. It was a very pleasant experience and I look forward to working with her. She wil be mailing out the minutes and such from their last annual meeting and the election results cover page.
Robin Nelson informed me that the can make the July 22 meeting, and as a board member, not much information or documents are needed to transfer so that’s all good and I look forward to brining him up to speed on the various issues on July 22.
Sherry Reichman sent me this email in response to a message from yesterday:
Why are we having a meeting. We are only required to have a two meetings a year plus our June meeting. And you said there was nothing going to happen. I will need the treasure stuff and a visit to the bank with election info as soon. As possible because I have several checks. Thanks !
I had left a message with Larry to have her give me a call to congratulate her and invite her over to go over some things. There are several things around the treasurers position that require some thought, and I need to explain some things about this, so here goes:
The “Requirements” of the board are a bare minimum and should be considered as a baseline to ensure viability. As an active board that is trying to solve problems, this board will likely have a minimum of six board meetings this term. There is a process to doing this work correctly, and it is going to take time and energy from each of us to get the work done. If any team member fails to productively participate, positively engage, consitently show up or similar, there is a process to remove those members from the board.
The reason we are having this first meeting has two primary reasons, one of which is to bring the team together and go over some thoughts and plans and to develop an agenda for the term. The second reason is in order to get all of the verbiage and such into proper minutes so that we can have the treasured added to the signatory papers at the bank. There is a specific process to making this happen and it must be done a certain way. This is sort of a chicken and and egg situation. Regardless, the treasurer has several responsibilities, and these should be completed prior to the July 22 meeting, they are as follows:
We need a proposed budget prepared to vote on so we can publish and get it approved by the months end.
We need the treasurer to file the annual return at the State of Washington and get the governors updated.
We need to get the annual review/audit an reviewed.
The treasurer can deliver the checks for deposit to the president as he also has some checks to deposit.
The treasurer is welcome to go down to the bank and try to get added to the account, however we will be seeing the treasurer on July 22 at ten after having been informed of the requirements at the bank.
Bill Fortig has the detailed information needs and will be the lead Board Member that will be working most closely with the treasure to ensure that the job gets done in a time frame that meets the requirements of the organization.
The goal here is to work together to benefit out community as a whole. Until the treasurer has performed these duties, the President has signatory authority to ensure the bills get paid and such. We all need to work to gather in a positive and helpful manner to make each other successful. I look forward to seeing you all on July 22, I hope this is a successful experience for everyone!